Wouldn't need to use the CronusMax for those games. The SteelSeries Stratus is a Bluetooth game controller that works with the latest generation iPod Touch, iPhones and iPads.
For PC games that support X360CE, you can create game specific configurations and adjust things like deadzones, anti-deadzones, acceleration and sensitivity. It will impact the amount that a certain amount of joystick movement will impact. Aim/Look Sensitivity- Again, turn these high. I'm adding a mouse location and button capture to QMP to support the Tobii EyeX, for console games, and since I'm going to be making changes to that part of the program anyway, I'll add some scaling preferences. But Red Dead relies on a very similar control scheme to GTA 5. There is no reason I couldn't add scaling preferences for the "external pointers". Right now the QMP+QS just passes the UltraStik value straight through. Then X-Aim could take data back from the quadstick and massage it, and pass it through to the CronusMax, but for PC games, X-Aim can't be used since it has to be in front.
You can turn off the CronusMax driver in the QMP (Misc tab) and still have the UltraStik values passed through to the quadstick. When running QMP with an UltraStik and a CronusMax, the two streams of USB data are independent from each other. X-Aim will run scripts, so you could adjust any value in there, if you were playing on a console. When the CronusMax is passing through commands on the PCPROG port, it can't do anything else. I just started playing GTA V a couple weeks ago - loving that game I started out using about 50/50 M/KB and then switching to the 360 controller for driving. Have Infinite Money in Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V) How to. It will make your turns much better and it will help a lot.

Please go to the game controller property from Windows control panel (or from JoyToKey menu: Settings -> Configure joystick -> Configure Game Controller Property). If you are playing on a personal computer, try using a joystick. In case the stick input remains in pressed state even after it’s released, please check and recalibrate the center of your analog sticks. You might find something useful in there, but you are looking for a more general approach. Get the wireless USB receiver and you can run up to 4 wireless 360 controllers from it. Go into the settings and play with the sensitivity. GTA has individual sensitivity adjustments for each controller mode (walking, driving, flying, etc). An approach that works for one may not work another. I am using the standard asset joystick that comes with Unity 5, the sensitivity changes depending on the device used, for example on an Samsung S3 it is more sensitive than on a Nexus 7 2013, how can i normalize the sensitivity on different devices for the mouse look movement.